Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Kick.... I think...

Well we are back from Playa Del Carmen Mexico, it was so much fun and the weather was perfect. We got rained on the very last day but that was our shopping day anyways so we were happy to not miss a good beach day! The hotel was a 5+ star resort all inclusive and amazing except of course for the doubles beds pushed together to make one big bed and the fact that they were hard as a rock. Although it was great training ground for me to start sleeping on my side. The flight down was pretty smooth but the flight home is another story and I don't think I will be flying again any time soon! We were lucky to get out of Chicago airport after our layover before they cancelled all of the flights.
Anyways so we are home and I am happy to be home even if that means taking K to the hospital due to dehydration from the runs... yup poor guy... he went to the Dr and they sent him right to the hospital as his heart was racing and his temp was pretty high. He finally seems to be doing better today as he went to work for a half day and now is at home resting.
So in the madness that is this week (my family is coming in two days!!!) we are struggling to get the house ready as if will be packed full this season and we just bought our dog a "special" collar, yea 265 bucks later!!! But it has 7 settings and will be good for training purposes. My mom has been great at de-stressing me little does she know that part of my feeling overwhelmed is because I finally get to tell her on Saturday that I am pregnant. I have wanted to spill for so long but have been scared to just b/c of our m/c, we have finally opened up to some people out here but I am super excited to tell my parents and then to phone A my best friend and spill the news to her. So going back to the madness of the week, in all the stress of getting ready for Christmas and stuff I was sitting quietly at my desk on Tuesday and felt a very distinct poke in my abdomen, right where the baby seems to be sitting as that is where we found the heart beat and the u/s was taken. CRAZY! I couldn't believe it! I have felt some flutterings and stuff but this was a very distinct poke and very different from the flutterings... and no I did not have gas at the time! haha! So that has totally made my week... that and getting to tell the family of course! Well enough for now back to pretending to work and waiting for today to end so vacation starts again!

Monday, December 3, 2007


Had my appointment with the doctor today... and yup we still have a heartbeat! What a cool thing to hear! She said it was 158 bpm which is really good and healthy!!! I asked why so high during my ultrasound but she said that the heart beats faster during early pregnancy! I am sooo excited I can't stop using these!!!!!!!!!! haha! Anyways when I got to the appointment she started by checking my blood pressure which is all good and then she said she would try to find the heartbeat. I swear my heart skipped a beat, she put that gross jelly on and turned on the Doppler and low and behold she barely put it to my skin and there was the sound of tiny little horses. It was so loud and strong and made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I looked over at K and he got this funny little grin on his face. Yup that's his kid!!! haha! To know that this pregnancy is going sooo well is just a true gift from God.
When I reminded her about the trip to Mexico she got a little hesitant, I told her that I have not had any spotting and I am feeling a lot better too. No headaches today yet!!! She wasn't as worried about that as the food and the drink. I told her that I would drink only bottled water with the odd Orange Juice thrown in of course (we are staying at a five star all inclusive) and that I don't plan on eating anywhere but the restaurants in the hotel. She just said to be careful... but when I told her that there are going to be three pregnant women down there in all different stages and that we would all watch out for each other she seemed to relax a little!
So as we stand there are 4 more sleeps till we leave for Edmonton and 5 more sleeps till we take off to Mexico!!!!! Man I am getting excited just in case nobody noticed!