Yesterday was my 21st week of being pregnant... how exciting... actually it is quite exciting K and I went to Costco today (my fav place!!!) and since they were on sale we bought wipes... 720 of them to be exact... but we figured they are on sale might as well! I think it kinda spooked both of us as it is the first thing we have really bought for the bean!! I mean I bought a sleeper but this is 720 WIPES!
On a serious note and to anybody who wants to keep us in your prayers, we have a family member who is not doing well. He has been in and out of the hospital since K and I got married last May and the hardest thing for me is not being there for this person. I love him sooo much and feel like I am out of the loop up here and that I am not getting the quality time that I want. (crap now I am crying again) This person is so special to me in so many different ways and I have always thought of this person and his faith as something to look up to. I have prayed daily for a miracle and want our family to know that they are constantly on my mind. Sometimes I hate being so far away (for those of you who don't know we live 12 hours away from our families) and hate being "cut off" from the family life that is so important to both K and I. So for those of you out there please pray for our family and for this amazing person.
Realizing how fragile things can be and then getting the comment from a friend (yes I will call you a friend because even though I have not met you, you have been on my mind a lot and I love reading your blog) have made me treasure being pregnant even more. She said to treasure my pregnancy and I have just been looking forward to June when I will finally meet this bean that I have not taken as much time lately to appreciate what is currently going on inside me. So thank T for that note it came at the perfect time! (and I am so happy that you love the name I am sooo stuck on Trace! Although K brought up Daylen the other day which I like as well).