So this weekend was full of new things... on Thursday Trace went to Beaners and got his first haircut... he was such a good boy!!! No crying, screaming or squirming!! yipee!!!!! Then Friday night during his bath he slipped and fell. Well if you ask him the tub jumped up and bit him! haha!
Kyle was bathing Trace and now that he is in a bit bigger of a tub he loves to stand, crawl, and just move around there is no such thing as sitting still anymore. Well during one of these times of movement his hand slipped and he hit his little noggin on the side of it. Got a pretty good sized goose egg out of it as well. Lucky for us he let us put a bit of ice on it and the swelling went down. The next morning he woke up with this (please see pic below) yup a little bit of purple just below his brow bone. And to think the little bugger barely cried!
Well other than his bumps and bruises thing are pretty normal around here.. still -30 out (I am soo ready for spring) and Trace is moving around and climbing on everything. It is taking a bit to get used to, we are always chasing him and he takes off pretty fast.
Well enjoy the pics!
Trace and his first black eye!!!
Right after his haircut