Monday, January 21, 2008

The Halfway Mark!!!

Yipeeee we made it to the halfway mark! I still can't believe it. When I feel a kick or a roll going on I am still in amazement that this is OUR baby growing inside me. CRAZY! K and I were sitting on the couch last night watching a movie before his hockey game and suddenly I almost jumped off of the couch... and of course got the "what the heck" look from K . I had just gotten the hardest kick ever to my poor bladder and it surprised me at the same time. Too funny... maybe you had to be there haha!
So things seem to be going well, I get regular beatings from the bean which let me know that he/she is still ok in there. I have been having horrible thoughts of things going wrong with the baby but every 4 weeks when I hear the heartbeat I feel a little better. I have not received a call from my Dr about the ultrasound so I assume all went well which is AWESOME!!! Next appt is on the 4th of February so we will have to wait until then.
My hips were better this week. Last week after walking through the bush with 4 dogs and 5 other people and then heading to Costco afterwards I could barely walk. The pain was terrible and felt like my hips were being ripped apart... yet one more thing to talk to the Dr about. I do get pain if I sit for too long or stand for too long or walk for too long so I try to mix things up a bit and it seems to be working. I am sleeping better (thank goodness) and finally getting used to sleeping on my left side. Although K still hates all the pillows he understands that I need them for support and that come June/July I WILL be back on my tummy sleeping. Man I miss that!
So lately we have been thinking about names, as there are so many of our friends due this year we are pretty open about what we like so that nobody else takes them! haha! If we have a girl we are looking at using K's moms name Robyn in memory of her. So it would be Robyn Marie (Marie being my middle name) and if it is a boy we love the name Trace Gordon (Gordon is my dad's middle name). There are others on the list right now but these are the two that I REALLY love! K has a list but he has it at work and can never remember the names that he has written down. So for now these are the top names. I also love Tristan for a boy or Sedona for a girl... but again we will see... we would like to have a few names for each and then when the baby pops out be able to look at him/her and decide.


Anns said...

*Love* the name Trace - very cute.
When did you start feeling the kicks? I'm feeling tiny muscle spasms but it's not often and I'm wondering if that's what it could be?

Tracy said...

Tara, Tyson's wife here:) So fun to read your blog! I am excited for you to experience the joys of parenting, but for now remember the enjoy the joys of really is such a special time. I had a great pregancy but could not wait for it to be over so I could hold my baby. Sometimes I miss it (sometimes) and the other day I had a crazy sensation I was getting kicked. Anyway, I look forward to checking out your blog and seeing how you are doing. Oh, and, of course, I love the name Trace:)

Avital said...

Corwyn was breech until 35.5 weeks and he would stomp on my bladder SO hard. It hurt like I feel your pain