Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Goodbye Farmville!

Ok so lame I know... and yes I am writing about it. I woke up this morning, got the kids eating and sat down to play some farmville, and suddenly thought REALLY? I mean come on... I could be sitting with the kids, eating with them and playing even more with them. This is stupid. I worry about my crops... yes I felt LAME! Sooo deleted... blocked, erased.. GONE! I feel... hmmm relief. I can blog, knit, play with kids and do lots of other things instead of that. And my husband can stop making fun of me. YES! A friend of mine deleted it a month or so ago and I remember thinking.. wow wish I could do that. Then I realized that yes it was an addiction and it needed to go.
Well don't want to spend to much time one here... twins are sleeping and it is just me and Trace.. time to sit down and play or cuddle him.. whatever he wants! sigh... bliss!!!!

1 comment:

RMRW said...

I hear ya! Ive been addicted to those games before. So hard to delete, but once you do it feels so good and free'ing.

Did you hear about the mom recently who was distracted by one of those games online that she left her baby in the bath and the baby died? May be more to the story -such as neglect ect- but still! Now theres addiction!

I used to get so sucked in and then realize hours had passed. And for what? A game? moving up a level?


Good for you!