Our trip to Vancouver was amazing, it was busy and at times overwhelming but it was so nice to see everyone and I swear I have enough clothes to last Trace's first year. Although shopping for him is always nice too. My parents were great too, we always stay at their house and usually I am ready to go home, not this time, I wanted to stay longer. To have just a little bit of help and company during feedings, while changing diapers, while bathing was so nice. They really were an huge help. We also got to meet most of our friends little ones and that was great. They were all different ages and sizes and just to watch either what Trace had already gone through or where he was about to be was pretty cool.
In current news, tomorrow we have his second round of shots... yuck I am not looking forward to that at all. Kyle will be out of town and so it will be just me dealing with the little guy. I always feel so bad for him. Oh and we have started cloth diapering!! I love it! I have 12 pocket all in one diapers and those will last just under 2 days. So we still use a couple disposable ones here an there but if we are at home it is cloth all the way. They are so cute too, we bought Fuzzibunz and LOVE them. They don't leak, and they are so soft. When we go to Kyle's hockey games we use them and he stays even warmer!
In terms of milestones for Trace, he was 13 pounds 11 ounces 3 weeks ago so we will see what he is at tomorrow when we measure him. He is raspberrying and chatting lots especially when he is getting his diaper changed. He rolls from his back onto his side so hopefully soon we will be rolling onto our tummies! And he loves to watch his daddy play hockey.. he even follows the plays around soo cute! He is trying to sit up and pulls his head forward while in his car seat, while laying on the ground and when sitting on the couch with us. I can't believe how fast he is growing and what an amazing little man he is!