Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Emotions.... or whatever

As many already know we are moving... and not just down the street or across towns but into another province and back into my childhood home... yup moving back with the parents. Although this is temporary.. like a few years or so it is humbling, and stressful and all sorts of different things. We are currently looking for a renter for our house, trying to find a home for our cats (a wonderful friend has said she will take them.... but that is this weekend... I don't know if I am ready to say goodbye yet), packing a house with three young kids in it... and even trying to comprehend saying goodbye to my friends and family here... FORGET IT! I break down even thinking about it. We have made some amazing friends out here. I don't know if I could have survived Alberta without one particular bff...
So with only a few more weeks I am FREAKING out about everything. We have also had a wonderful house guest this last week who helped us finish the kitchen, take care of the kids and pack some boxes... he left today so now I am alone with my thoughts again. I hate being alone with my thoughts. And to top it off I have had the flu the last few days. Yes I know that this is turning into a woe is me post but that is how I feel today... yup I said it today is a down day. Kyle is going to work from home after he comes back from the airport as I don't have any energy left... what an awesome hubby.
Well off to loaf on the couch and watch the kids play... thank goodness they will play for hours... I don't know what I would do if they were having another needy day today. Only one needy person allowed/ day.