I can't believe that come Wednesday the twins are 10 months... I am already starting to plan their party, making the invite list, trying to figure out how we will fit all the kids in the house. Trying to find the answer to the question... what do they need or want for their birthday. Ummmm how terrible of me is it to say... gift cards please. I have no idea what I need for clothes, depends on how fast they grow, we do however need a new big boy carseat so gift cards can go towards that. Or gift cards to clothing stores so that when I do need something I already have the cash to get it! I can deny it I LOVE GIFT CARDS! Always have... the giver gets out of trying to figure out what you want and the receiver can go out and get whatever they want! It is perfect!
Lowered the babies cribs today... they are standing and trying to climb out so I figured for safety sake ... maybe just maybe I should do that. But they look sooo low! And I refuse to believe that my little men are growing up! The twins are crawling and sitting and pulling up... Canaan tries to copy things that I say which is pretty cute... he tries sooo hard! Jaxon is just happy to be held ALL the time! Somewhat frustrating as I can't hold all of them. I have taken to laying on the floor on my tummy and letting them crawl all over me. (They can't poke my eyes this way or grab a boob!)
Trace is talking more and more... he puts words into sentences which is awesome and we are actually understanding bits of it! He has started choosing what he wants to wear during the day which of course is sometimes quite scary... but what do you do? He is in his big boy bed since January, and he is doing awesome! Just figured out door knobs this summer... not so great but at least when he has a nightmare he comes to us instead of us going to him.
Kyle is officially looking at jobs in Vancouver and the surrounding area!!! I am sooo excited yet trying hard not to show it. We told Leavitt 6 months and they don't seem to be doing much about it so we are looking elsewhere a bit too... we both would really like to stay with Leavitt but they don't seem to understand our time line. Ah well.
Posted some updated pics too... for those of you that want to see them!