Thursday, March 20, 2008


So today my K and I are heading off to Edmonton for some much needed baby furniture shopping....yipeeee!!! The only thing is that I don't last to long on my feet and by the end of a regular day they are usually cankles. YUCK! I should post a pic of them from Feb.. they were pretty bad. And yet I find them mildly amusing. I can't even wear my wedding rings anymore so I am currently wearing a ring that I bought for Kyle when we first moved in together.
Ok back to shopping... soooo excited!!! We are hoping to be able to pick up our crib, dresser/change table and stroller! I am very excited about this stroller. I guess I am becoming a bit of a grown up after all I never thought I would be excited about something like this!
Well in one hour we will be on the road for the BORING 4 hour drive, which is immediately followed by us signing our taxes, K stopping by the branch down there and then finally off to the Bay to see what we love and if anyone has it in stock. That is our other problem. This stuff we want is all special order and they don't always have it in stock, which means that we can't be as picky if we want to pick it up this weekend. Ahh well... our friends are coming up in a couple weeks and they can always bring it with them! Yay for friends!
So other than the water retention I have been feeling ok.. a little tired and I am up usually about 3 or 4 times a night! YUCK! I have a heating pad that comes everywhere with me! It is my life saver right now.. makes work a little more comfortable. Oh and also found out that the baby is sitting head down! yipee! Heartbeat is 142 which is nice and healthy and some people say it means boy! K is pretty happy about that.
Anyways I am off but I will post more pics when I get home.. hopefully with all of our new furniture!!!!

1 comment:

Spoke said...

4 hours in, shopping and then 4 hours home? SHOOT ME!!!!!!!!!