Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mission Successful!

As stated in my title ... Mission Successful! After driving for 4 hours to Edmonton going for a quick shop at the Bay to see what they have... Not Helpful At ALL!!! The woman that was trying to help us didn't know the answer to ANY of our questions... seriously.. don't work in the Nursery department then! We went to our friends house to chill for the evening and took off around noon the next day for Babies R Us. The ladies there were AMAZING!!! So incredibly helpful, we decided to buy our stroller and our crib there. We bought a Graco stroller and I LOVE it already.. the exact one is posted below and the crib is a little darker than that but it converts to a double bed!!! Which is AWESOME! We ended up going to The Bay to buy our accessories and bought the awesome bedding below. Spent a lot of money of course but it feels so good to have these things done! We also bought a dresser at Ikea and are going to set it up for a change table as well. It is the perfect height!
So in terms of how I am feeling... other than the cankles from shopping on Friday I have been feeling alright. I have a massage scheduled for tonight and I am really looking forward to her getting some of the water out of my legs ... gotta love water retention! I am having problems getting out of our couch but I blame the couch more than me, it is one of those old sucks you in couches. I prefer my glider rocker but the cats seem to really like that one too! They have taken to sleeping there instead of on our bed, it is pretty funny to see! I have super long hair and I now dread taking the shower to wash my hair it is exhausting, but has to be done. K is pretty good with helping me do things, he helps me get up from the couch or laughs at me one of the two, he carries all the heavy stuff since I can't anymore. Although I do feel frustrated sometimes... I want to help with things and I don't feel like I am doing my part and poor K has to do all the heavy stuff. We set up the dresser last night and took down the desk that was in that room so I feel that we have accomplished something. Have I rambled enough... I have more pics to post of me at 29 weeks but those will have to wait as I left the camera at home. So I guess there is more to come!
Only 52 days until Mat leave!!!!!!!

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